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Is it possible to learn something new every day? The short answer is yes. While this may seem like an impossible goal for busy people, there are 37 websites that can help you stay on top of your game without all the effort. From science to art to technology topics, these sites cover just about anything - and they're free! You can find answers within minutes when you consider how often life throws curve balls that isn't readily available online, so let these sites be your source for answers in a pinch. It's hard not to feel inspired when you realize how much there is out there - and few barriers standing in the way of achieving your goals or even finding something new every day. From a dose of motivation to a new insight, these 37 websites can help you find answers within minutes. The best part? You can pick and choose which ones work for you or simply search for what you're looking for from the list. Top three ways to live a fulfilling life: Explore, Play, Read! Having a positive attitude is one way to alleviate the stress of everyday life, but it's also important to spend time doing things that make you happy. Today, we're sharing the latest stories and trends to help you live a fulfilling life filled with curiosity and excitement. Just click on the title to find the website and article: The top three ways to live a fulfilling life: Explore, Play, Read! #1 – Being Curious – The benefits of curiosity are endless! Learn how it can change your relationships as well as your financial outlook by exploring this article that shares research from different academic sources about the benefits of curiosity. #2 – Living Lucky – http://vivianhatch. com/2014/02/28/10-ways-to-turn-luckiness-into-a-habit/ Living lucky is not all in your head. Learn how to get more lucky by changing the way you think about luck, improving your outlook on life, and using some of these easy exercises to improve your luck. #3 – Playing More - http://www.fullyramblomatic. com/2014/01/12/top-10-reasons-go-outside-more/ Play is a powerful motivator. It helps you reach your highest potential and improves your confidence and creativity. Learn how to incorporate play into your life by doing things you enjoy, whether it's playing with kids or taking a solo trip to the beach. "Este artículo ha sido traducido de la versión inglesa en el marco de un acuerdo de colaboración entre TED y Wiki Loves Monuments. cfa1e77820